Regarding RUSTYCON 37

It's with a heavy heart that we must announce that Rustycon 37 scheduled September 11-13th 2020 is cancelled. BUT we have rescheduled to September 24-26th 2021 and will be held still at the Bellevue Hilton.
Our convention takes place in King County and would fall under the Phase 4 Re-opening guideline. URL for Phase 4:…/2020-…/PhasedReopeningChart.pdf
King county would need to remain in each phase for a minimum of 3 weeks and is now applying for re-opening under modified Phase 1. We can extrapolate nine weeks (best case) before our Convention planning could even begin.
This is not enough time to ensure we can provide you a safe and low-risk convention.
If you would like to retain your 2020 tickets for 2021: Rustycon will honor your tickets.
To request ticket refunds, please email
We can’t express how difficult this announcement is to make. Our Rustycon family and the community means the world to us.
This convention is Put on for You – the fans!
Our Convention dates for 2021 are September 24-26th, and we sincerely hope to see you all there. WE MISS YOU!

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